Sunday, September 26, 2010

End of September part 2

The third week-end of September brings my Zanika reunion. It was terrific.

Left right after school and drove into the Cascade mountains. Made to one of my alternate homes, Camp Zanika. For the last five miles I drove with the windows wide open (despite a light rain) and took in the smell of pine trees, a lighter drier eastern washington air, and views of the lake.

Parked and headed for the second lodge (the dining hall) and was greeted with more hugs and laughter than many people see in a year. The room was full of women I've known since I was a kid. We've grown up together and are growing older together. What a rich reality. The week-end was full of stories, and family tales. Reports on fundraisers, the current camp and camp fire,the general health of our group and each other. Food, song, laughter, hikes, kayaks, guitars, crafts, more food and more laughter. An all around success.

This year I made the camp quilt. It will be raffled next fall. I"m including a photo. You saw its bits and pieces in earlier blogs. It turned out well and will hopefully generate a bit of money for our next project: remodeling and updating the camp kitchen.

Enjoy the photo. Camp is such a great place. Meg

End of September

It's been just over three weeks since my last blog and so much has happened. It's amazing how much life can pack itself into a day!

School started and I've met my kiddos. What a great group. The room looked good when I stood with my boxes and bags and looked around. It looked happy once it was unpacked and welcome signs were hung. But it looks positively exciting filled with fourth graders. Each is eager to learn in his or her own way. Some plunge right in, others are more cautious, not wanting to repeat unsettling experiences from the past. So far, we've managed to cover a lot of territory and generate a ton of smiles as well.

Having walls and a door makes such a HUGE difference. When I read aloud I can add sound effects and change voices. When they laugh out loud it is OK. When we work in groups a comfortable buzz is actually comfortable. Last year it was an open space class and we had to constantly whisper and shush because of the other 5 classes in the same space!

Much more joy will be had this year! Meg

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


We are safely home and have been for just over two weeks now. The days have zipped past as only time can.

Our trip was such fun! We collected memories to keep us cozy over many wintry days.
I'll update the blog with a few of the better photos we took soon.

We've spent some time with family and friends since getting back. And we took out the kayaks. Paddling across the water and enjoying the gorgeous sights and wildlife near Deception Pass is an amazing experience.

The other activity that has gobbled up time is school. I've changed locations again and came home to see that my boxes of materials had been moved. It has taken many days to open all of the boxes and find a place for everything. Classroom library books, paper supplies, decorations and items for bulletin boards, files, a professional library, etc...all needed to be set up and ready for use. Tomorrow I'll hook up the computers, printers, and electronic equipment. Then I'll think about activities for the first days. Lots is done and more remains.

My new room is quite large and very sunny. Have a look at the picture or better yet, come for a visit.

Love, Meg