Sunday, January 24, 2010


Only one week left of the new month. Work has been exceptionally busy so it's zipping past. We're having a warm spell though and that's nice. Left the classroom door open to the outside twice last weeek. Fresh balmy air. Mmmm. The daffodils are up a couple of inches and buds have formed on the wild current. When I finish up by 5:00 there is still light in the sky and 6:00 isn't quite pitch black. I love the approach of Spring. Winter is my least favorite season. Something to be endured and wished away. I love spring with its fresh colors and birdsong, the frog chorus and gentle rain mixed with lots of sun. Hooray it's nearly here!!! Meg

Monday, January 18, 2010

3 Months Later

Yikes! My last entry was in October. Three months ago. I promised myself I'd do better in the new year---NOPE! I was looking for the perfect photo. Don't think I'm going to find it.

No picture and not sure what to write. Life at this moment is full of school. No projects under way, but I have read lots of really good books. Must be winter. Have added a few pounds, found some low carb cocoa, and have been to the library and bargain shelves at the book store. Warren can't pry me out of my corner of the couch. Oh, add to that cozy picture a well-worn quilt and a purring kitty.

Do I need to clean house? No, I don't think so. Do I want to go for a walk? No, not now. How about a turn at the swimming pool? Much too far to drive. I'll just take 5 more minutes in my book on the couch with my cat.

So, my new year is full of surprises at school but calm and cozy at home.

I hope to find an inspiring picture and write more soon. Much sooner than 3 months.
