Life continues to be busy and full. Easter Sunday found most of us at home with mom and a mountain of food. It was really nice to be together.
The picture is a pile of potholders. The shape is cupcakes. Two of my brothers and my wacky sisters-in-law came to visit last week-end. What fun! The girls went to the fabric store. Along with non-stop laughter came the purchase of "just a little more fabric". Baby quilts are underway and I also made the cupcakes. I gave a surprise party for a friend and her 60th. Cupcakes were on the invites and other decorations, so I couldn't resist making these as party favors. Cute HeY?
This week means finishing report cards. Teaching like crazy. Cleaning for spring and for my sanity. Then back to sewing. I'm half way through the Zanika quilt and it is looking good. Hope to finish by the end of the month. That's it for now.