Do any of you own a cat? We do. I find I can't live without the pleasure of all those feline moments: delicate baths, soft fur in the face, a lump of love & warmth on the lap and the comfort of the ubiquitous purr. Those teensy tiny fuzzy wuzzy cutesy tootsy little kitty bundles break my heart and say take me home.
I love my cat. But once the downy fur is gone, the musculature developed and the voice box discovered, they become more complex.
- Do I enjoy opening and closing the door twenty (no kidding) times a day? NO! Will I always be her doorman when her little meow rings? Absolutely.
- Do I like to turn the water off and on in the bathtub? NO! Will I always let the water meter run when she cries for a drink? Absolutely.
- Do I like to be woken in the dark of night by a nudge against my shoulder and the odor of fish? NO. Will I always lift the covers and let her nestle against me, purring, grinning, and falling promptly asleep? Absolutely
Cats Schmats.
I sure do love this one! Ain't she cute?